The rewards of defending ourselves every day against aggressive mental suggestion are abundant. We gain better health, a deeper sense of happiness and purpose. And we certainly become more conscious of God's protecting care. Yet as the By-Law "Alertness to Duty" from the Manual of The Mother Church by Mrs. Eddy points out, the real purpose of spiritually mental defense has a much deeper significance. As the By-Law states: "It shall be the duty of every member of this Church to defend himself daily against aggressive mental suggestion, and not be made to forget nor to neglect his duty to God, to his Leader, and to mankind. By his works he shall be judged,—and justified or condemned." 1 The basic purpose of spiritual defense is to enable one to work more effectively for God and for the Cause of Christian Science, and so come to the aid of mankind. This is deeply satisfying activity because the rewards come from "the works" we are able to do, which prove that Christian Science itself is the blessed appearing of the Comforter, for the saving of all mankind.
The blessings that come from God, as Christ Jesus' life so clearly showed, are not won without self-sacrifice, self-discipline, and a deep consecration to demonstrating Spirit rather than matter to be the All-in-all of existence. And although the human mind may not agree that a life of selfless love and moral courage is a "reward," our hearts and inner satisfaction tell us that it is. As we grow in true spirituality, we experience the depths of true joy that Jesus wanted for his followers. The Master once told his disciples who had done some successful healing work that they were not to rejoice over the physical results "but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven." 2
Aggressive mental suggestion would tell us that our names are not "written in heaven." It would say that we cannot successfully know the truth for ourselves, let alone pray intelligently for the Cause Mrs. Eddy so selflessly worked to establish. Our consciousness needs to be defended from such false belief by knowing that we cannot be made to doubt our permanent unity with God as man, God's spiritual idea, the pure reflection of infinite Mind.