One morning I woke unable to move one of my legs comfortably or to put any weight on it. I turned immediately to God for help. I got in touch with a Christian Science practitioner for treatment through prayer. The statements of truth and the loving support given by the practitioner helped me at once. I was soon able to get up, but walking and bending were accomplished only with great discomfort.
For a period of time I remained in this state and didn't seem to be able to overcome my fear. But one day I began to think about what Christian healing really meant to me. I knew what I needed most of all was to progress spiritually—to understand God better, and I knew this required more consecration and prayer.
One night I realized that I was struggling with the conviction that I lived, moved, and had my being in a material body, not in God. It was really a mistaken concept of man that was bringing suffering.