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Sharing the vision of the Discoverer of Christian Science

From the September 1990 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When we first start our study of Christian Science, we may be much aware of the benefits we are gaining. Our health and relationships improve, our sense of God's presence with us increases. As we progress, we find that with these and other improvements come responsibilities—to God and to our fellow men and women. Among these, there is no doubt Mrs. Eddy felt that the members of her Church had definite obligations toward her as Discoverer, Founder, and Leader of Christian Science. While some of these obligations are specified in the Manual of The Mother Church (see especially Art. VIII, Sect. 6), a comprehensive study of her published writings shows that she expected Christian Scientists to strive for spiritual understanding. From this understanding would come healing works, giving proof of the divine origin of her discovery.

What was this vision that moved the latter part of Mrs. Eddy's remarkable life?

At various points in her writings, Mrs. Eddy has hinted at the love for mankind and the spiritual insights that motivated her to present her discovery to the world. She saw that there is one infinite, self-existent Mind, or God, who is neither divided against Himself nor opposed by something else such as evil. In her full statement of Christian Science, Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy describes God as Principle, Love, Life, Truth, Soul, Spirit, and Mind.1 These terms are used interchangeably.

1 See Science and Health 465:9–10.

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