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The healing touch of the Christ

From the September 1990 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As a small child I would attend Wednesday evening testimony meetings at a Christian Science church with my mother. I remember very well the wonderful sense of quietness and peace, the calm presence of the healing Christ, Truth, that was at those services. I also remember these same feelings in Sunday School or when I would accompany her to the Christian Science Reading Room where she was an attendant. I particularly remember instances of childhood healings effected through this comforting touch of the Christ—healings of intestinal problems, accidents, fever, childhood diseases—healings that have remained permanent.

We need to bring to our church services an active listening that evokes the living Christ, knowing that the truths read from the desk heal not only the congregation but the community and world.

This healing touch of the Christ, which I felt as a child, grew, and in later years I became a member of The Mother Church and a branch church and felt increasingly this same presence at church services and meetings. For many years I worked near a Reading Room and took time during the lunch period to go in and read for a second time the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly, studied daily by Christian Scientists. Many, many times through this additional study the Christ message would illumine a current business problem, providing direction and guidance for a solution not otherwise found.

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