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The vital importance of prayers in our churches

From the September 1990 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At one time, feeling the pressures of the world, I buckled under with a severe illness. For several days I strove for healing through prayer and study of the Bible and of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy but only found myself worse and unable to meet daily demands. Nearly incapacitated, I was driven by my wife to a Christian Science church service. I decided to leave my troubles at the door and enter only to worship. Immediately upon entering, I felt hope and expectation. I still remember Hymn 352, lifting me from fear to trust. It spoke of the wondrous patience, meekness, and love of Christ Jesus, overcoming the world and its woes. The last verse reads:

O, in thy light be mine to go,
Let it illume my way of woe
And give me ever on the road
To trace thy footsteps, Son of God.1

As the service progressed, so did my healing, but there were challenges, attempting to force me to leave physically and mentally. At one point I was coughing so loudly I thought I should leave so as not to disturb others. But I felt the noncritical, compassionate, silent support of the members encouraging me to stay. The coughing lessened and then disappeared. At another point I felt I was losing consciousness. But I could still hear the readings, and the Word of God increased in strength and clarity until my consciousness was filled with only Truth and Love. I was healed!

1  Christian Science Hymnal,No. 352.

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