One week while I was studying the Bible Lesson on the subject of "God the Only Cause and Creator," it became clear to me that there can be no opposite to God's goodness. Since God fills all space, there can be no opposite, no room for anything unlike Him. Since God is all, there can be nothing opposed to His allness. Since God is Spirit, there can be no opposite, material condition. Since God's law of harmony is all, there can be no opposite condition of inharmony.
The following week while I was out riding my bicycle with my son and granddaughter, I fell onto the pavement, landing hard on my right arm and shoulder. When my son came to help me up, I felt that I had possibly broken my arm.
I was experiencing considerable pain and needed some help. So I called a Christian Science practitioner for assistance through prayer. (It was late in the evening, and I thought I would wait until morning to decide whether to have the arm looked at by a physician.)