Do we have to consent to the theory that all the evils of the world are due to the sins of Adam and Eve, to their disobedience to God and the curse inflicted on them? No, we don't!
If the Biblical allegory of Adam and Eve were a true account of creation, it would mean that all of us originated in dust, or matter, and we could not escape being in subjection to the so-called laws of the material world—sin, sickness, and ultimate death. Yet the Bible says, "As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." I Cor. 15:22.
Christ Jesus came to show us that the real man is spiritual, not subject to the Adam lie of mortality, and that man forever expresses God's eternal, perfect being. Through his healing works, Jesus proved that we can demonstrate our dominion over false, material laws; that we are able to lift our thought above materiality to the realization of our true, spiritual nature and perfection as God's beloved offspring.