While watching a PBS television Frontline program about the shocking everyday sexual lives of a large percentage of teens in an affluent community, I was filled with sadness. A feeling of despair gripped my heart as I saw the wasted faces and voices of these twelve-to sixteen-year-olds paraded across the screen. "It's too much," I thought. "The problem is too deep and too broad to be solved. What are we to do with such information?"
Another part of me screamed out that there must be a solution: "Don't ever give up. Don't ever give in. Drop to your knees in humility before the God of love, and you will see a solution."
Early the next morning I sat at my desk and plunged into the Bible and Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy. My thinking was calmer as my eyes fell on part of a quotation I had written down days before from Science and Health: "... let us put aside material self and sense, and seek the divine Principle and Science of all healing." Science and Health, p. 20.