Mary Baker Eddy, who founded this magazine, once said that we become more aware of what it takes to be "wholly Christlike" as we grow "into the manhood or womanhood of Christianity." See Miscellaneous Writings, p. 16. I like the way she put that. To me, it speaks of the naturalness and certainty of spiritual progress for dedicated followers of Christ Jesus. As in growing up, this growing involves lots of steps—giant ones, baby ones, eager ones, faltering ones. And who that has begun following in the Master's footsteps hasn't already discovered that it's a full-time job! Oh, but what a joyful, Christly pursuit our individual spiritual journeys are, with God holding our right hand, so to speak, walking with us every step of the way.
Spiritual growth is not without bumps along the way. Some seem more like mountains than molehills, but not one is insurmountable. And each one overcome teaches a precious lesson of Love. These bumps can be thought of as Love's lessons, since they impel us to conform more fully to God's—Love's—law, by which He governs His creation in perfect harmony. But God never sends trials or obstacles to progress. Infinite Love can impart only good.
Love's lessons don't beat us down but lift us up. They don't condemn but redeem, reform, restore, regenerate. They're for us, not against us. Keeping this scientific, spiritual perspective enables us to welcome and appreciate every lesson. Even hard ones—ones that uncover sin in our thought. This uncovering expresses the action of Love, the very Principle of the universe. Love corrects; it doesn't discourage.