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Spiritual progress—overcoming resistance in the practice of Christian healing

From the June 2000 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the practice of Christian Science, steady, spiritual progress and rapid healings can continue to come forth year after year as we look to God with spiritual insight and fresh conviction. It is this inspiration and conviction that enable us to meet any resistance to our efforts. The Way-shower, Jesus, was confronted with resistance; nevertheless, he pressed on, teaching by healing. Mary Baker Eddy persevered in her labors to present divine Science—the Comforter promised by Jesus See John 14:16 .—to humanity, in spite of the heavy resistance she encountered at times from the pulpit, medical profession, and press. In doing so, she discovered what resistance to Truth really is—impersonal evil, hatred of God and His messengers, which would attempt to halt the activity of Christ, which enlightens the world.

Any resistance we may encounter to our own spiritual efforts can be viewed as a clarion call to advance further in Christian discipleship. This was proved to me in a very eye-opening way. A few years ago I began to experience a painful condition in my left heel. I thought little about it until a month or so later, when the pain spread to my other heel and both ankles. I began walking slowly with a decided limp. My prayer was directed toward healing "my" painful physical condition; but it was to no avail, as the condition worsened.

In spite of this, I went forward with my daily activities in business and church without interruption. I resolved not to take time off to cater to this, or selfishly to give it any more importance.

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