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Testimonies of Healing

Healing and protection in wartime

From the September 2001 issue of The Christian Science Journal

During World War ll, while training soldiers at Camp Robinson in Little Rock, Arkansas, I started to feel kind of odd. I went to the dispensary, and they sent me on to the hospital, where I was diagnosed with double pneumonia and spinal meningitis. The doctors did not expect that I would survive these illnesses.

Throughout this experience, I did some praying. I also sought out a Christian Science chaplain on the post, and he did some praying for me as well. I remember the chaplain came to the hospital and read to me from the Bible and Science and Health. He also read a testimony from a Christian Science magazine about someone with the same illnesses that I was having. Relying on Christian Science, this man had been fully healed. Seeing that someone else had been healed of this very same disease gave me hope, and I saw that I was not helpless. It just seemed so clear that I was holding on to God's hand and that He was in charge.

Shortly after that, I lost consciousness and remained unconscious for about a week. When I woke up, I was in an oxygen tent in the critical ward of the hospital, and my mother was standing beside the bed, singing hymns. The words in those hymns had a profound effect on me. I felt absolute security. It was so clear to me that God had guided me through this whole experience. The medical staff was amazed that I had survived and that there were no aftereffects. Once I was well again, I became much more faithful about attending church. Before, there had been some lingering doubts about prayer-based healing, but now I just had such a strong faith and felt God with me. That strong, steadfast faith has remained with me.

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