Richard Landis, a member of Rev. Debbie Little's Ecclesia Ministries, serves as the "animator" for the afternoon discussion. He invites Ann Marie to read aloud the account of the transfiguration in Luke's gospel. She reads from a Xeroxed copy of the New Revised Standard Version.
Richard invites each one there to speak on the verses just heard. Everyone is allotted four minutes without interruption. After a few of the shyest members pass on their turn, Richard opens with an observation that this is one of the times when God is said to have spoken out loud in a very distinct voice. He adds that he wishes God would speak as distinctly to him so that he could hear what he is supposed to do. Another Richard from the group feels that God speaks to us today through the words of the Bible. Raymond agrees that God talks to us, though we don't always hear Him.
Matthew is interested in the disciple Peter's desire to build dwellings for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. He says that the New International Version uses the word shelter for dwelling. This idea of shelter is used in Psalms, too. He finds great comfort in the idea that anywhere the Lord is, there is shelter.