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From the July 2009 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHEN ASKED, "WHY DO YOU RELY ON Christian Science for healing instead of medicine?" I immediately recall my first healing. When I was three, I had an ear infection that my dad felt should be medically treated. On the way to the hospital late that night, I remember waking up in the car and all of a sudden feeling perfectly fine. When Dad saw that I was OK, he turned the car around and went home. I knew that my mother had been praying for me, because she told me so, and I still remember the comfort I felt from her prayers at that moment. The healing was a pretty powerful experience for me.

Later, as I began to study and exercise the principles of Christian Science, they became a source of healing and spiritual growth. I found that Christian Science was applicable to every area of my life.

In Science and Health, Mary Baker Eddy wrote, "Science not only reveals the origin of all disease as mental, but it also declares that all disease is cured by divine Mind" (p. 169). With each healing I have, I understand more clearly that divine Mind is the highest form of medicine, and there is no condition that cannot be healed by Christian Science treatment based on a spiritual understanding of this medicine of Mind. I'm relieved of the temptation to maintain my health through material means, and have more faith in God's law to govern me perfectly and completely.

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