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From the July 2009 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Journal receives a number of contributions that, because of space constraints, we can't publish in full. In these pages, however, we can offer excerpts that we found inspiring and insightful—some spiritual "nuggets" worth tucking into thought.

WHATEVER HAPPENS IN our experience, we need to find the blessing. When Jacob wrestled with the angel, the angel said, "Let me go, for the day breaketh," but Jacob's answer was profound: "I will not let thee go, except thou bless me" (Gen. 32:26). He expected to somehow be blessed by this experience—and he was. The hollow of his thigh had been out of joint, yet the healing served as a reminder that he had yielded to God's will. We're not told how long the thigh was out of joint, but I've always supposed it remained as long as the reminder was necessary to Jacob's progress.

After my son passed on from an accidental drug overdose, I was tempted to feel anger and continuing grief, but I soon refused to wallow in my sorrow. Like Jacob, I learned to yield to God's will. I expressed gratitude for everything in my daily experience, no matter how small. From this resolve, I wrote and published a book about my son's life and experiences, which is now in several rehab centers as required reading. And this is good.

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