I remember the sunny afternoons during my childhood when my mom would call me to help her take care of numerous ornamental plants she cultivated in our backyard. The work consisted of digging the soil, removing the weeds, and watering the plants, which in a short time would respond to this tender care with new leaves and sprouts popping out. I was filled with joy to see this renewal manifested in such an abundant and exuberant way.
Later on, through the study of the Bible, I acquired a different concept of renewal. The “Preacher” says in Ecclesiastes, “Whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it” (3:14). The Preacher also mentioned: “That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past” (3:15). This understanding leads us to a thought transformation and, consequently, to a renewed vision of the divine and infinite good, which has always existed and is continuously within our reach to be enjoyed. I also learned that there is no accretion in the process of spiritual growth and healing, but rather the revelation of our true being as the spiritual image and likeness of God, who was, is, and always will be perfect, complete, and eternal.
Thinking deeply about these concepts filled me with inspiration and brought much serenity to my existence. We often face situations that lead us to changes. We may not always feel ready for them, because of fear, insecurity, and stubbornness. The best thing to do, when faced with changes, is to consider them opportunities for renewal and progress. On these occasions, it is important to express humility, which can set us free from the illusion that we are the creators of our lives or of our destiny, and bring us to understand that we shine, but with the light we reflect from our infinite Father-Mother, God, to whom belongs all power and all good. We reflect all the qualities and abilities of God. All that we have are gifts from God and without Him we would be nothing.