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Of Good Report

Inspiration and healing in Russia

From the January 2015 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In September 2014, the Christian Science Society in St. Petersburg, Russia, had the opportunity to participate in the Moscow International Book Fair, an annual multi-day exhibition, where organizations from many countries set up booths and share literature.

This year, the literature we shared included the Russian translations of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and a biography of Mrs. Eddy; the Russian edition of The Herald of Christian Science; and a history of Christian Science in Russia, written by a professor at a university in St. Petersburg. Almost every visitor to our Christian Science booth left with materials!

Our society has hosted a booth at the fair for over ten years, but the political atmosphere between Russia and the West threatened to make our presence unwelcome this year, as Christian Science is sometimes perceived as a “Western” religion. However, we found encouragement in the Bible and Science and Health, which assure us of man’s unity as one spiritual family, all God’s children. 

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