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Of Good Report

Why I am a Christian Scientist …

From the December 2016 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With the various challenges and boasts of materialism that are presented to us daily via the media, in literature, perhaps from people in our lives, many Christian Scientists may have been asked to sincerely consider the question, “Why exactly are you a Christian Scientist?” or “How can you be a Christian Scientist?”—i.e., “How can you trust Christian Science and rely on an understanding of God to bring healing?”

I attribute much of my faith and trust in this Science to the experiences I’ve had proving the truths of Christian Science during my daily life.

This questioning has caused me to examine how I know that a Christian Scientist is really who I am. I attribute much of my faith and trust in this Science to what I witnessed with my parents as I grew up, and also to the experiences I’ve had proving the truths of Christian Science during my daily life for years. 

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