Driving to a meeting last year, I noticed a light, wispy cloud—delicate, upright, and reaching high into the sky through all the other clouds round about. It was a damp morning, and on the periphery of my vision I could see a dark, leaden cloud signaling the heavy rain that had been forecast. But there, right in front of me, reflecting stray rays of sunlight, was a beautiful white column that seemed to be beckoning me onward, signifying an idea from God showing me the way ahead.
Immediately, with a sense of peace, I was reminded of the journey of the children of Israel, and how “the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way” (Exodus 13:21). I was struck by a feeling that the beautiful cloud ahead was indeed a reminder that God was leading me along the way, like an angel message appearing as the answer to recent prayers and providing sunlit encouragement not to feel intimidated by the gloomy darkness of fretful thoughts.
As clearly as if a voice had spoken, I understood this to be a gentle nudge simply to follow God’s guidance.