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Testimonies of Healing

Quick healing of sudden vision loss

From the June 2017 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A number of years ago, I served a term as Second Reader in my branch Church of Christ, Scientist. Each Sunday I read to the congregation the scriptural portion of that week’s Bible Lesson-Sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly. One Sunday, as I was waiting with the soloist to go onto the platform, I suddenly realized that I could no longer see her standing next to me; my right eye had gone completely dark. A few seconds later, the vision in my left eye began to break up, to the point that I could no longer see clearly out of that eye either.

I immediately started praying, affirming vehemently in my thought that I was the perfect child of God right there at that very instant. One of my favorite lines in the Christian Science Hymnal is from Mary Baker Eddy’s poem “Christmas Morn,” in which she refers to the Christ, Truth, as being 

… so far above
All mortal strife,

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