Years ago, I felt mentally abused by my boss. Everything I did on the job was questioned, including my motives and methods. The domination was subtle but constant and included intimidation, hounding, prying, and scare tactics. The boss also turned some fellow workers against each other. What made the situation even more difficult was that this person was highly respected by many other people in the organization.
It had always been my desire and practice to turn to God, divine Mind, in making decisions, but during this time I lost confidence in my ability to listen to God regarding my work. Instead I felt compelled to go to this individual for answers to avoid being criticized or judged. I felt that if I didn’t consult the boss about every single decision I made, my reputation could be harmed or I could be fired. This had a negative effect on my mental state. Feelings of self-doubt, fear of fainting, anxiety, and depression were a daily challenge.
While this was going on, I turned to several different Christian Science practitioners at different times to pray for me. I didn’t mention the challenges to anyone else, not even friends or family members, because I felt that talking about the problems would just make them more upsetting to me. I blamed myself for not being more courageous or better able to metaphysically overcome my fears and feelings of being trapped.