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Spiritual Short

Putting Jesus’ words into practice

From the May 2019 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Recently I was quietly pondering these words of Christ Jesus: “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father” (John 14:12). As I did, I imagined what Jesus might say to us today regarding his life and teaching. It went something like this: “Don’t worship me! Instead, do what I taught you and showed you what you could do—heal! Live this truth! Really live it!”

What does a teacher want? What means the most to teachers? The teachers I’ve known don’t need an apple on their desk or a little gift at the end of the school year, although that’s nice. What means the most to them is that their students go out into the world and share what they’ve learned—love it, live it, demonstrate it, and be successful. 

The great Teacher of spiritual truth and exemplary healer Christ Jesus was here to show us God’s great love for His children (you and me), to show us what we are capable of, and how to grow and live in the spirit of divine Truth and Love. 

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