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Testimonies of Healing

Timidity in speaking healed

From the January 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I was in my early teens, a family member cautioned me not to talk too much because, as he put it, no one cared to hear what I had to say. Because I trusted this individual, I heeded that incorrect advice, which resulted in my being very quiet and shy well into adulthood.

I attended a Christian Science Sunday School when I was young, and had many healings in later years through prayer alone. These came about by applying the precepts Christ Jesus practiced in his healing ministry, which are explained in the textbook of Christian Science—Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, whose revelation is changing the world.

By applying these precepts, I’ve experienced healings of depression, fear of flying, a medically diagnosed brain tumor (over fifty years ago), and the effects of a fall on concrete, to name only a few. My daughters have experienced healings of scarlet fever, the effects of an accident, and medically diagnosed appendicitis, which was instantaneously healed while in the emergency room.

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