To address humanity’s great needs will clearly take something stronger and deeper than anything the human mind can come up with. From violence to disease to climate change, humanity isn’t sufficiently solving the essential problem of being human, apparently subject to material limits and unending conflict. But here’s where Christmas answers the need. It points us to God, Spirit—not just as a beautiful thought but as an ever-present power that brings to light the true idea of Life so that we can face what’s wrong in the world and heal it.
More than presents and a decorated tree, Christmas is a celebration of how Christ Jesus entered the world through the loving power of God. Beyond that, it’s a celebration of what this power did in Jesus’ life and what it does in ours. This power we call Christ, and it’s forever revealing a more spiritual idea of being—the essence of which is God’s qualities, such as intelligence, grace, and purpose.
Christ, the spiritual idea of Life, is always at work in human consciousness, and it carries us forward toward more spiritually based, secure lives marked by divine harmony and courageous love. Courageous because right in the face of the limiting, matter-based view of everything, we feel inspired to hold to a conviction of and devotion to Spirit, God, including the hope of seeing God’s goodness at work impelling changes that are so urgently needed in the world.