Several years ago, I was hit by a car while crossing a busy street in a large city. My knee was severely damaged and I was in a great deal of pain. A crowd gathered, and many comments were made about injury and shock.
Once I was able to focus, I realized that probably an ambulance had been sent for to take me to a hospital. I decided that where I really wanted to be was at home, where I could focus on the truths of Christian Science, which I knew from experience would heal me. Home was twenty miles away, and the easiest way to get there was to get on a commuter train four blocks away.
I hailed a cab, which took me to the train station. Still in great pain, I hobbled to the train, then called a Christian Science practitioner. I told him what had happened and asked him to pray for me. After sharing a few thoughts, he immediately started to give me Christian Science treatment. I also called my son and asked him to pick me up at the station near my home. On the way home from the station, I went to a drugstore and rented a crutch.