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Spiritual Short

Cleansing fog

From the January 2025 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I enjoy communing with God during walks. I cherish this time to listen for God’s thoughts and to think more clearly about God, as well as to challenge any negative thoughts I might have. 

As I often do, one morning on a walk I listened to the audio version of the week’s Bible Lesson from the Christian Science Quarterly, which was on “Love.” I remembered a Christian Science Daily Lift I had watched online that showed that you can purify muddy water by adding lots of clean, clear water until only the clear water remains. This relates to a line from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy that was in the Lesson, where ungodlike thoughts, or “error,” could be thought of as similar to mud: “The way to extract error from mortal mind is to pour in truth through flood-tides of Love” (p. 201). 

At that time, I had been mentally rehearsing a problem, leading to great frustration. Suddenly, I noticed a fog that had slowly moved up the hill and was now moving rapidly toward me. In that moment I likened the fog to “the depth, breadth, height, might, majesty, and glory of infinite Love” that our Leader says “fill all space” (Science and Health, p. 520). 

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