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The ends of intelligence

From the January 2025 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Humans have used their intelligence throughout history in ways both good and ill, pure and impure, and even in a mixture of these—a divided house. This history has led to the common assumption that intelligence can be both good and evil. But is this a fair assumption? Or is intelligence purely good?

The Bible speaks of “the mind of the Lord” and “the mind of Christ” (I Corinthians 2:16). Based on the Bible and deriving its authority from it, Christian Science teaches that God, good, is Spirit, and Spirit is Mind. God’s thoughts comprise the spiritual universe, including spiritual man (our own true selfhood), whose consciousness is the reflection of God, divine Mind. 

Actual intelligence is a quality of God. In fact, as Mary Baker Eddy defines Him in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, God is intelligence (see p. 587). And this divine intelligence operates consistently on our behalf, governing, directing, satisfying, harmonizing all being.

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