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How the Comforter helps us

Jesus referred to the Comforter as the "Spirit of truth," which would teach us "all things."

From the May 1999 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I Have A Friend who is a cameraman. He and his crew were filming a documentary on the Milford Trek in New Zealand. The young man had to stop filming because he became seriously ill. He had a high fever and was delirious. Unexpectedly, a violent storm swept over the mountains. The crew feared for my friend's life. They felt that they had to get him down the mountain quickly. But the wretched weather conditions made the move impossible. A ranger radioed to the nearest hotel, where someone called my friend's parents and told them that their son had requested the help of a Christian Science practitioner who had prayed for him on other occasions. The parents called the Christian healer, who began to pray for the young man immediately.

The force of
the storm broke,
and so did
the fever.

The Bible assures us that no place is so remote, no ocean so vast, no mountain so high, that we can be separated from the living God, who is our Life. Praying from this standpoint, we can hear the calm, inner voice of Christ— the true idea of God—before which fear surrenders.

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