I Heard The Clank of glass milk bottles touching each other, and looked out to see a delivery man coming down the hill on our sled. When snow was deep, we didn't clear our long driveway; instead, we parked our car at the top of the hill and rode the sled down. Apparently the milkman had gotten the picture, and opted for a sled ride for his delivery. I was delighted at his spontaneity, and watched as he pulled the sled back up the hill and got into his truck.
All economies,
family and global,
are subject to
God's government.
The sobering thought came quickly, however, that we didn't have the money to pay the milk bill. But delight did not turn into dismay, for as a new student of Christian Science, I was learning the joy of proving God's supremacy and omnipotence. I rejoiced in the Scriptural statement "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much,"James 5:16 and in praying in the way Christ Jesus taught. I knew that such prayer was practical not only in meeting our needs, but also in overturning anything that would cause a disparity between supply and demand. This was many years ago, and prayer did prove effective. More about that shortly.