Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
Everywhere you look , all of creation is individual, distinct, with a specific identity and purpose. This alone gives one much food for thought and much to demonstrate in our own lives.
Among the Many wonderful things we discover in the Bible is that “God is love” ( I John 4:16 ). And naturally, because of God’s deep love for us, “He will not afflict” ( Job 37:23 ).
The historic narrative of Scripture is woven through with God’s promises of hope, well-being, safety, and deliverance. There were promises to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Nehemiah, Noah, and Kings Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, David, and Solomon—to name a few—that their good purposes would be rewarded, battles would be won, individuals healed and protected, families provided for, lands settled, and wise governments established.
Easter, commemorating Jesus’ resurrection after his crucifixion, is central to Christianity. Before I became a student of Christian Science, I thought Easter was a sad occasion.
It is with deep gratitude to God and for learning to pray the way it is taught in Christian Science that I offer this testimony. A number of years ago, our brother left home to go and learn a trade from our uncle in a foreign country.
As a child attending the Christian Science Sunday School, it wasn’t hard for me to figure out that the real meaning of Easter had nothing to do with bunnies or chocolates. It also wasn’t just an event that many in the world commemorated once a year at a certain date.
Growing up in an era where the stories were about the beautiful princess meeting her handsome prince and living happily ever after, that’s what I expected—and desperately wanted. Starting in early high school, I would “fall in love,” only to find that there were qualities about the person I had fallen for that I didn’t like at all.
Dear Church Members and Friends , We are so delighted to invite you to join us in person in Boston or online this year for Annual Meeting 2022, to be held Monday, June 6. While looking back on the year, many might be tempted to focus only on the trials we’ve faced, but as a Church devoted to healing, we are able to see elements of progress for humanity—for individuals as well as communities.
Funds are available for benevolence grants from the trust established under Clause 8 of Mary Baker Eddy’s will. These funds are devoted to the primary purpose of “more effectually promoting and extending the religion of Christian Science as taught by [Mary Baker Eddy].
Clouds scudding out of the north . .