Testimonies of Healing
Last year I began having some pain in a hip joint. It worsened until I felt nauseated.
One morning, recently, a pain developed in my lower back. By midafternoon it was so strong that walking and bending down became unbearable.
A lot of good has come to me through my growing understanding of God. I'd particularly like to express my appreciation to God for the healing of a very disturbing skin condition.
Although as a girl I was raised with Christian Science in the midst of a very loving and supportive home environment, I began in high school to develop an underlying feeling of inadequacy. I was reluctant to participate in social situations where I anticipated not fitting in.
On the afternoon of April 7, 1989, our youngest daughter, who was fourteen at the time, was having basketball practice at school. At about 3:45 p.
After I was taught to read, my mother would give me the Christian Science Sentinel and have me read the testimonies. I learned at an early age that Christian Science heals.
As long as I can remember, I have known there was a God and had a childlike trust in Him. But as I got older, married, and had children, many fears crept in.
In 1892, when my grandmother was twelve years old, her parents were told by her physician that she was not strong enough to recover from typhoid fever. In their time of need, a business associate provided them with some leaflets by Mrs.
It was a shock when the examiner told me in my mid-twenties that my driver's license would be restricted because I needed glasses for distance perception. Each time I put the eyeglasses on to drive, however, I thought, "I don't want to wear glasses for the rest of my life.
My family's involvement with Christian Science began when my grandmother was diagnosed with incurable stomach cancer. She was taken to the home of a Christian Science practitioner thirty-five kilometers away, and remained there for a few days.