Testimonies of Healing
I remember that a favorite expression of one of my Sunday School teachers was "Keep prayed up!" That meant that one needed to pray all the time, not just for help when having troubles. We learned that such constant prayer would enable us to solve problems that might arise.
From my youth and well into womanhood I suffered from timidity and self-consciousness. Much of this dropped away as I studied Christian Science, but I never completely faced up to the feelings, nor realized the importance of correcting error in my thought with spiritual truth, until the lesson came home to me in a very forceful way.
I am grateful for having been brought up attending a Christian Science Sunday School. What I learned there kept me free from fear and healed me quickly of any illnesses.
When a physical problem appears, we can tend to feel sorry for ourselves. Sympathy is one of the human frailties that need challenging in order for one to express the grandeur of spiritual being.
Last year I was on a business trip, and was enjoying it very much. But on the fourth day I became ill with an intestinal disorder.
My parents had known of Christian Science for years, and thought it beautiful but impractical. I was about ten when an ear infection became worse and spread to my eye.
My first reaction was to yell to my father "All is well! You are all right!" It was a statement of spiritual fact, made as much for me as for him. I slid down to him.
As I scrambled down the cliff to help Wade, I prayed to know that God was present, right there, right then; but the initial evidence indicated that this was a life-threatening situation. I became quite fearful for my father-in-law's life, and felt a heavy sense of personal responsibility.
" He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust" ( Ps.
I witnessed the experience my husband has related. Needless to say it was quite a shock to turn around and not see him anywhere in sight.