Testimonies of Healing
For several years I had difficulty falling asleep, sometimes spending two to four nights a week tossing and turning, battling troubling thoughts. I prayed a great deal, but without much success—there would be improvement for a week or two, but then I would be back where I started.
During the winter of 1994 I spent a week with my two daughters, who live in a city not far from mine. The day before my return, I was looking forward to meeting one of them for lunch.
Over three years ago I was promoted to a more responsible position within my company. Not only did the job entail larger responsibilities, but the records and systems I inherited demanded much updating.
I am Robin's wife. The events of that night have been recorded just as they happened.
" The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore" ( Ps.
About a year ago, one evening we were getting our seven-year-old son ready for bed, he complained that his neck hurt. As we do for all our needs, we turned in prayer to God for healing.
My husband and I made plans to visit our eldest son and his family for the Christmas holidays and, in preparation for this, I had quite a bit of work to do. Previous visits to this family had been marked by much in-harmony.
My mother passed on suddenly, just as I was starting to appreciate her. I reached out to God, seeking for a way of life that I could follow to show my gratitude to her.
I sit here today thinking how thankful I am for Christian Science. Through prayer I have had physical healings of a fractured pelvic bone, bee stings on my legs, and a severe fever that came after an overdose of immunization I was required to have before traveling.
One day I was busy washing dishes at the sink. Suddenly I was overcome by a feeling that everything around me was disappearing.