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From the August 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Do we as children of one Father believe in God, or do our lives practically deny the words our lips have uttered for generations past?

The Scripture declares that "with God all things are possible." This either means that God possesses all power, "supplies all our need," or that there is no hope or comfort in God. To which, by our life, will we testify as Truth? We cannot serve God and Mammon. If temptation appeareth in our pathway in shape of a desire for strong drink do we yield, silencing the voice of Truth by the thought, we have inherited the tendency from parent, or some more distant relative, therefore we are not to be blamed?— not considering that God, omnipotent Love, does not give his children evil natures which they cannot control; if there was one such person in all His universe he would not be omnipotent.

If a belief in sickness assail us, do we think men or medicine, fresh air or exercise, more potent than God, who has promised "never to leave us or forsake us"? also, "that they who trust in the Lord shall not want any good thing."

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