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Fearest sometimes that thy Father...

From the August 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee." — Isa. 26: 3.

Fearest sometimes that thy Father
Hath forgot?
Though the clouds around thee gather,
Doubt Him not.
Always hath the daylight broken,
Always hath He comfort spoken;
Better hath He been for years,
Than thy fears.

Therefore, whatsoe'er betideth
Night or day,
Know His love for thee provideth
Good alway.
Crown of sorrows gladly take,
Grateful, wear it for His sake;
Meekly bending to His will,
Saying still—

To His own the Father giveth
Daily strength;
To each struggling soul that liveth,
Peace, at length!
Weakest lambs have largest share
Of the tender Shepherd's care,
Ask Him not, then, when or how,—
Only bow.—

* A correction was made in the September 1893 Journal: "The poem commencing:  'Fearest sometimes that thy Father Hath forgot?' was written by Karl Rudolph Hagenbach, and its authorship should have been credited to him."

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