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From the August 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What is it to be cleansed? Christian Science teaches that to be cleansed is to be free from false sense, sin or self. But in order to be free from these errors we must first know what they are. We should look well to see if they have any real claim. They have as much reality, and as much claim as we give them power by believing or living in the senses or for self. In that case we had better "seek our own in another's good." (Science and Health.) False sense, sin or self is "all that worketh or maketh a lie." The only way to get rid of this Samson is to shear him of his locks; that is, to know its unreality through demonstration; overcoming hatred, malice, envy, jealousy, and all that is opposed to the Kingdom of God on earth; to be watchful and prayerful lest we entertain this false sense unawares.

It may come in the guise of good. It will thus come if we do not leave all for Christ, Truth. It will find lodgment in our minds if we do not yield obedience,— all our affections and strength to Truth and Love, for this is the only safeguard.

We should love Truth for Truth's sake. If we truly desire to understand the law of God, we will listen attentively to the voice of Love, and will always be ready and willing to obey. Then will come the glorious understanding.

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