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Says M. C. Spaulding in Western Christian Advocate, Cincinnati...

From the August 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Says M. C. Spaulding in Western Christian Advocate, Cincinnati, Ohio:

"Were it not a most serious matter, it would be so absurd as to be laughable, that any true Christian could be found to antagonize Christian Science, which more nearly resembles the unadulterated teachings of primitive Christianity than any creed adopted by man since the time that most selfish, crafty, and hypocritical of all monarchs — Constantine — changed, for his own debased purposes, the character of the Christian Church.

"What an awful responsibility awaits the man, minister, or layman, who, after denouncing Christian Science with all the bitterness at his command, wakes up a few years hence, to find that he has, unwittingly, arrayed himself against all that is pure and good in practical Christianity. For it would be hard to find a book which, in both letter and spirit, inspires more love for the entire Bible than Science and Health, the text-book of Christian Science."

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