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From the August 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The following poem was written by a blind Irish girl of a past generation. It outlines the world's woes, and asks the old, pathetic question,—to which Christian Science is the answer.—A. B., Norfolk, Va.

Is it come? they said on the banks of the Nile,
Who looked for the world's long-promised day
And saw but the strife of Egypt's toil
With the desert's sands and the granite gray.
From pyramid, temple, and treasured dead
We vainly ask for her wisdom's plan:—
They tell of slave and tyrant's dread—
Yet there was hope when that day began.

The Chaldee came with his starry lore,
That built by Babylon's crown and creed
And bricks were stamped on the Tigris' shore
With signs which our sages scarce can read.
From Ninus' temple and Nimrod's tower
The rule of the East's empire spread—
Unreasoning faith and unquestioned power—
But still, Is it come? the watcher said.

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