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From the August 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

While going through a course of instruction, a great truth was revealed to me so plainly, that I send it to the Journal, hoping it may help some one else on, in the way "from earth to Heaven," as it did me.

I had considerable knowledge of Christian Science before entering a class, for I had earnestly studied the pages of Science and Health, and attended the meetings held in our city by a lady Christian Scientist, a woman expressing a true Christian spirit; and it was under her instruction that I placed myself. When I entered class I was bearing a burden, a physical ill, although with what understanding I had, I tried to overcome it; and the Truth that uncovered the error that seemingly bound me was revealed to me in the third lesson.

I was told that God was all-in-all, there was no other Mind, Life, Truth, Love, Substance, and that as God's reflection man must express that which is God-like. I thought I understood all of that and would say to myself, "I know the truth will destroy this illness I have." On the third day, the resurrection day, I was told there were no sickness, no illusions, no dreams of a life apart from God. For a few moments all was dark to me, then all at once I saw the truth of what the teacher said. I saw the Christ, and Spiritual man, as I never had before; I saw, too, that although I had called my diseases beliefs, illusions, yet I was making realities of them; and it was this error that stood between me and a realization of health. I realized that God was ever-conscious Life, Truth, and Love, that man and the universe constituted God's consciousness. How then could man, as an idea in Mind, believe himself to have any thought underived from his Maker? Who would give him that thought? Certainly there could be no place for it in a universe where God is all. Before this I could think of God and the perfect universe, peopled with expressions of the One Mind, but I, myself, was always outside. I never could think of myself as the child of God, "who is in Heaven." The allness of God or Good was clearer than ever to my consciousness. I know now, I had but little except the letter of this Truth, but when I gained its spirit, it put me upon such a foundation as I had not known before.

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