Many and many a time that little sentence has lifted the burden of a seeming drudgery for me, transforming the task into the brightest and most joyous doing. We sometimes seem to forget that Principle is Love. In the light of Christian Science to know God as Principle is a wonderful revelation. Our daily living is made up of doing, and everything is to be done according to Principle; to be done, therefore, in Love and for Love. To reduce this to daily and hourly practice is more than the work of one day, one month, or one year. It is not according to Principle to allow a sense of discouragement to creep in because we so often forget to do this; for the honest, earnest intention, faithfully followed, will enable us to make some progress from time to time, and we will discover increased ability to watch and correct our thoughts. Each day is a new one, and there is never an hour when we may not begin again.
Genuine interest in our work is one of the manifestations of Love. Doing a thing well, simply because one feels like it, is not doing it by Principle any more than half doing it is, because it might be only to please myself; but doing it for Love, and as a work of Love, transforms it into service for God.
So it is in working for our patients. The work is not for the comfort and ease of this one personal man or woman merely, but it must be the universal work, the destruction of the claims of error as error—the one evil—manifesting itself through this person or that one as an avenue. The fact that this is a work of Love makes it easy to sacrifice for the good of others. It helps us to rely with more implicit confidence on the loving God, which is governing every event of our careers.