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From the August 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Spread the glad tidings, is a great command of our Master. Tidings of what? The good news that a way is provided for mortals to escape from sin, sickness and death. What other tidings could more rejoice the hearts of sick, sinful, and dying men?

After instructing his disciples in the way of Life, Jesus sent them forth into the world, saying: "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature; and as ye go, preach, saying, The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand (the reign of harmony is here now); heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils." How did they obey these commands? In a half-hearted way, fearful of how their words would be received; or did they at once obey absolutely and unreservedly? The latter; and they went out and spread the good news, and told the "glad tidings to every creature." When they entered a place how were they to know who in it was worthy? Did they go in by twos, and sit down in some quiet corner and quietly talk together about this glorious Gospel, and wait for those to come to them who desired to hear the good news? Instead of this they were so filled with the reality and importance of this grand message they were sent to proclaim, that they talked boldly to any who would listen to their words. They went wherever they found people congregated and spoke the words of Truth to the people. When they were miraculously released from prison the command was, "Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life." And they went regardless of the jeers and threats of their enemies.

It is understood that the early disciples, as soon as they were fitted for the work, went out by twos and preached this gospel to every creature. Among those who listened they inquired who were worthy. In other words, they made an aggressive fight upon the hosts of evil. Every one who believed the Truth became at once an active teacher of the Truth. Else how could they so soon be denounced as "these who have turned the world upside down." If they found those who would not receive them nor hear their words" when they "departed out of that house or city" they were to shake the dust off their feet." They left them to take the consequences of their own error.

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