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Testimonies of Healing

As far back as I can remember...

From the June 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As far back as I can remember I was afflicted with neuralgia of the head, which I thought at first was caused by my teeth. I had treatment from seven dentists without receiving any benefit. For sixteen years I was actively engaged in the drug business, and during that time used all the remedies recommended for neuralgia by works on therapeutics. I would give each a trial of at least a week, taking them alphabetically so that when I had gone through the list to phosphide of zinc I would commence again with arsenious acid, so I really used everything from A to Z but grew worse. I also used other remedies, with no favorable results. I consulted a number of physicians, had two surgical operations performed on my throat and nose by specialists, but was not relieved. I attended a medical college for two years and talked a great deal with some of my teachers about neuralgia. I was advised by one of them to consult an oculist; I followed his advice and called on the oculist he recommended, who, after three day's examination prescribed glasses for me which I wore for three years, but the neuralgic headaches continued to annoy me.

In 1894 my wife was healed through Christian Science treatment of an organic trouble that materia medica had failed to relieve. During the next two years I began to investigate Christian Science. I knew several who had treatment and watched their speedy recovery, which interested me. In February, 1896, my wife and I had class instruction, and the following month I had a severe attack of neuralgia, the worst I had ever experienced. I left my work early that day, went home, and asked my wife to treat me. That one treatment cured me entirely and I have not been troubled with neuralgia since that day, for which I am truly thankful.

For over seven years I have depended entirely on Christian Science, and it has relieved me of all physical ailments. This is a great contrast to my former experience of drugging for sixteen years, during which time I grew worse. Further than this. Christian Science has proved to be the religion I needed, for I have found it practical in every way,—it has enabled me to throw off a disagreeable disposition and gain a cheerful one. It has taught me to love the Bible which I had discarded at the age of fourteen because I could not believe its teachings as they seemed to be contradictory. I took first prize in a Bible class at the age of twelve when I did not believe what it taught. Now I can understand what before seemed obscure and meaningless, for "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, has opened my eyes to the great truths of the Bible, so that I, like thousands of others, owe her an everlasting debt of gratitude for showing the way to righteousness,—right living.—

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