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Testimonies of Healing

Five years ago Christian Science was brought to my...

From the June 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Five years ago Christian Science was brought to my attention practically and forcibly through the healing of a friend. My wife had been ill for nearly four years, under the care of physicians and various systems of healing, but with no permanent benefit. We had been searching for truth for several years, had investigated different schools of metaphysics, and I was thoroughly convinced that it was needless and wrong for my wife to remain in such a condition. She was much prejudiced against Christian Science, but I grasped at it in desperation. I was willing to give everything to have her well, as I knew she had a right to be. She came here to New York, placed herself in the hands of a Christian Science practitioner, and at the end of a week returned home a well woman and soon regained all her former strength. For nearly two years she has filled a responsible position in the work for our Cause, going to her office every day. I realized that whatever it was that could bring about so great a change in so short a time was well worth careful attention, and I began the faithful study of the text-book. I was in business and at once saw the applicability of this truth in that direction. At the end of a year I was giving regularly to the branch Church which we joined, nearly as much as I was earning when I first began to study Science and Health. After two more successful years in business I was able to lay it all aside for the healing work as a practitioner. Space and time will not permit me to tell more than an infinitesimal part of what the past five years have been to me. I have been made over mentally and physically, and habits of years' standing have been overcome. The greatest happiness has come through the ability to lift others out of conditions of sickness and sin. I feel I have indeed found the pearl of great price. How natural it is that both my wife and myself should feel the deepest gratitude to God, and also to the woman who lived so close to Him that He could use her as an instrument for giving this healing truth to a waiting world. We find the works of our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, so complete and satisfying that we have little time or desire for other reading. Our periodicals are also most helpful.

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