Eight years ago I was discouraged and in despair, for within three months previous two of our children had died, and the other three were ailing. Doctors and nurses came daily and numerous medicine bottles made our home resemble a hospital. Trouble, care, and sleepless nights were pursuing me, heavy losses, which were rendered still harder because the outstanding bills were but slowly paid, placed me in a desperate condition. I rarely went to church, because I considered it unnecessary to waste my time with unprofitable dogma.
Just then I heard a young lady speak of Christian Science. She advised me to attend an experience meeting, saying that I might be benefited thereby. I followed her advice and that evening was a glorious one for me. The words which I read on the wall, "God is Love," impressed me much. I could not remember having ever heard them, and I then realized that such a God could not send us misery. I paid close attention to the testimonies of healing and soon felt that I had found what I was seeking. I was convinced that these intelligent people, who called themselves Christian Scientists, spoke the truth, and the love and gratitude which they manifested were such a source of joy to me that I desired to hear more of it. I made inquiries and soon received help. My wife became interested, and we sent the three children to Sunday School.
Later my wife and I attended a class. At that time I thought it impossible for me to give up drinking, but now I have no desire for beer or tobacco. It was not fear that made me give it up; the desire simply left me.