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Testimonies of Healing

About three years and a half ago, whilst seeking for the...

From the February 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About three years and a half ago, whilst seeking for the very best I could find in the way of religion, I became interested in some Christian Science literature which had been placed in the public library at Akron, O. After reading Science and Health, I looked up the Christian Science Reading Room, where I was kindly received, and where I became a daily visitor.

About three months after this, I received a letter from the principal of the Henry School, requesting me to take my daughter out of school, as she had become subject to fits. He had carefully looked up the rules applying to such cases, and was firm in his request. After some persuasion, and on condition that I have her case given immediate attention, and that, if there were any more attacks, I should promptly take her out of school, he finally permitted her to continue in attendance. I took her to a practitioner, she received the blessing of Christian Science treatment, and the evil was cast out. She had no more attacks. About a year elapsed before I told the principal of the school what had healed her.

Growth from a condition of cold indifference to one of love and gratitude, is my own experience. To me, Christian Science is "divine Love expressed." I have tasted, and know that God is good, and I daily rejoice in the truth. I cannot speak too highly of our literature. T also desire to express my love for her who has brought this light and happiness. "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly," said Jesus. That our Leader's mission is kindred, thousands can testify.

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