From childhood I never was strong and well, and I can scarcely remember a time when I was not taking medicine for some ache or pain, which sometimes helped, but more often did not. While I was not bedridden, yet the good times most young girls have were denied me. I was very religiously inclined, but my ideal of what a Christian should be was so high that I never felt worthy to unite with any church, much to the grief of my parents, who were both strict church members. I often wondered why God made me suffer, but I never questioned His love and wisdom. I believed it was all for my good and that my part was to bear it. When I was grown, I became a confirmed invalid, and was at last told there was but little chance of ever being better, as I had a fibroid tumor. My physician wished me to consult a specialist,— the best in New York City.— who was a friend of his, but I would not, as I feared the knife, for I knew of many operations which had been unsuccessful. At last, after much urging, I consented for him to go and describe the case, as he knew every phase of it, and get advice. The result was that even the knife, in my case, was declared useless. The tumor was said to be of the most malignant type, and there were complications which had never been met. The specialist advised me to stay with my physician and keep comfortable till the end. This was almost good news to me, as now I could die in my bed in peace. I now tried change of air, and the drinking of different health waters, for with this disease were a host of others,— indigestion, constipation, sleeplessness, and in fact almost every ill that flesh is heir to. I was terribly swollen, and could wear only very loose garments, while my face was thin and pallid. I could eat little but dry bread and crackers with boiling water, everything else caused distress. I was very morbid and wished only to die, both for my own relief and that of my friends.
One afternoon a lady friend called, and in an incidental way— not referring to me at all— told of relief she had experienced from Christian Science treatment in a severe case of indigestion. I had often heard of this sect while in New York, but had given it little thought, as I classed it with spiritualism, hypnotism, etc. After the lady left, however, I said to my sister, "If Mrs.— can be helped, why cannot I?" Our talk resulted in an early call on the practitioner. I had no thought of ever being entirely healed, only relieved perhaps, but when I met the Christian Scientist every doubt vanished, for her face reflected such love and peace that it seemed beautiful to me. In our talk she was very patient with me, and I decided to take a week's treatment. From that blessed day to this I have taken no medicine, and the time is six years. After the week's treatment I continued to go daily to her for about a month,— my troubles dropping off one by one. I then commenced reading and studying, had long talks with my practitioner, and occasional treatments. In about a year I discovered I was well, entirely well, no ache or pain, all swelling gone. I could eat, sleep, walk, and work without one fear. I was absolutely free from what had bound me for so many years, and I had found my God. To say that I was happy scarcely expresses my feelings, and ever since I have been striving to know better this blessed truth. My brother and sister have also been brought into Science, and together we have had class instruction, whereby we are able, in many ways, daily to prove the hope that is in us.
My greatest wish is to live so as to be worthy of my great blessings, to prove my gratitude to God, to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, to my teacher, and to the one who was so tender and patient in first showing me the way.