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Testimonies of Healing

I feel I must make a public acknowledgment of the...

From the February 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel I must make a public acknowledgment of the wonderful blessings I have received through this truth. From childhood I was always expressing illness of some kind, the doctors declaring that some of the troubles were hereditary, and although I had several severe operations, and everything was done to relieve me that the best medical skill could think of, I would be better for a time only, to fall back again into the most awful suffering. I slept very little, sometimes but for a few hours, and then only by taking something to quiet me. There were only a few things that I could eat,— I had not been able to eat fruit for eleven years without its causing severe suffering. I was never free from headache and colds, besides all sorts of ailments which nearly caused insanity. Three years ago I was about to undergo another operation, when a friend begged me to try Christian Science, and directed me to a practitioner whom she knew.

I had of course heard of Christian Science, but was afraid of it, for I had been brought up with very strict religious views and looked upon it as something false, contrary to the teachings of Christ. I, however, felt confidence in my friend, so I went. I cannot tell of the surprise I felt at the loving sympathy and then the relief which I received. At the first treatment, the hereditary bowel trouble was removed, the congestive headache left me, and I went home and slept all night. I began immediately to eat what I wished. My friends all said it was a miracle, but we soon learned it was only the blessed Christ-truth being manifested to us through the understanding of Scientific Christianity as understood in Christian Science and taught by our loving Leader, Mrs. Eddy.

We have since had many wonderful demonstrations made in our family. My father was healed of a cancer as well as of dyspepsia of years' standing. My sister was healed of some very severe ailments of long standing, and words cannot express the gratitude we feel, for life appears in an entirely different light to us all. All 'these severe ailments were almost immediately healed.

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