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[Written for the Journal.]


From the February 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I made at dawn an humble cake,
And broke the morsel with a friend;
An handful will a banquet make,
When oil and meal and leaven tend,
And one. in faith's pure vessel blend.

Our want was stayed. The day's demand
Drew deeply from my winnowed floor,
And yet abundance filled my hand
Each empty urn brought to my door
O'erflowed, yet there remaineth more.

Thou, Love, art still th' unfailing cruse,
Thy truth is life's unwasting grain.
Thy Word alone, thou bid'st me use,
Thy law, thy will, thy way retain,
To measure all my spirit gain.

Shepherd and Bishop of my soul,
Thy rod and staff my wand'ring bless.
I rest and drink, in thee am whole.
And tread, untouched by famine's press,
Life's pasture fair, horizonless.

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