It is now nearly seven years since Christian Science was first brought to my notice. Up to that time, I was almost continually under a physician's care, scarcely knowing a well day. Among many ills that bound me, I was subject to fainting spells,— the least excitement or hurry would cause me to faint. My physician told me that I had a weak heart, but offered me no cure. He said I must avoid all excitement and over-exertion, must never run for a car, nor hurry up a flight of stairs. I was under such fear that I was afraid to go anywhere. After reading in Science and Health, one day, I took up my Bible and opened it at Isaiah, 40: 28-31. I shall never forget the hope which then dawned on me,— it seemed as though these words had been written for me. For days I could not keep them out of my thoughts.
A little while after this, in going to the city, I was somewhat late for the train, and" so ran for a block and up a long flight of stairs to the station. After I was seated in the car, the old sense of faintness came over me. Then it was as though a still, small voice whispered to my bewildered sense, "Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, fainteth not?" Instantly, my answer was, "Yes, I have heard, and I do know, that if I wait upon God. He will renew my strength." My help was almost instantaneous. Only those who have been brought out of bondage into the "glorious liberty of the children of God" can appreciate my gratitude for such help. This is only one instance of the help I have received through Christian Science, but it was the first promise in the Bible that I had been able to prove for myself. Since then I have had many proofs of the ever-present help and guidance of divine Love.
Although the physical healing has been cause for great rejoicing, it is of little moment compared with the moral and spiritual healing. I am very grateful to Mrs. Eddy, since it was through the study of her writings that I was led into an understanding of this truth which makes free. I thank God each day that I am able to at least touch the hem of Christ's garment. I also want to express my gratitude to my teacher and to all who have lovingly and patiently shown me the way in divine Science.