The information conveyed by the following letter from Dr. W. H. Tolman, Commissioner General for the United States at the International Exposition of Book and Paper Industries recently held in Paris, to Rev. William P. McKenzie of The Christian Science Publishing Society, is of great interest to Christian Scientists and others. This Exposition was held under patronage of the French Government, and the Diploma of Honor was awarded by the International Jury, which in thus honoring Mrs. Eddy, honored itself.
Dr. Tolman's Letter
Paris, 1' octobre 23, 1907.
Dear Dr. McKenzie:— It gives me sincere pleasure to inform you that, on my recommendation, the highest award, a Grand Prize, was made your exhibit by the International Jury at this Exposition. A Diploma of Honor was awarded Mrs. Eddy as the Founder of Christian Science.
Very sincerely yours,