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Testimonies of Healing

Hoping that others may benefit thereby, I feel it a...

From the December 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Hoping that others may benefit thereby, I feel it a duty as well as a great pleasure to give my personal experience of the very happy results of Christian Science. Spiritually I have been raised from the dead, and my blind eyes have been made to see; physically the lame has been made to walk. For fourteen years I had a numbness in my lower limbs, which was growing worse every day, and two years ago, through this trouble, together with overwork, I broke down and was unable to attend to business for five months. I tried electricity, medical treatment, and osteopathy, only to grow worse and worse, until I was helpless and had to be fed and cared for like an infant, with the prospect of going in a wheeled chair and being fed the rest of my life. After urgent appeals from my wife and two daughters I at last came to Christian Science. I know no person was ever more bitter or hostile towards Christian Science than was I, yet strange to say, before I realized that I had one particle of faith the numbness had been entirely overcome, and the circulation, which had been almost entirely suspended, was completely restored. In a very short time I was running up and down stairs, feeling I could not wait for the elevator, running to get street cars, and doing other active work in a perfectly normal way. Stomach trouble from which I had suffered for thirty years disappeared, and I have had only three attacks of this in the two years I have been in Science, and never a setback in my awful trouble of imperfect circulation.

I have overcome two very severe attacks of cold, each in a single night, and so effectually that my family never knew of these ailments for days after. The first helpful thought which came to me was this, that God is Love, and Love casts out all fear. My fear of material conditions, my fear that any change would cause me to suffer as I had suffered for years, was entirely taken away. To say that all error has been cast away is not true, for trials to test my faith have come into my experience, but when I know that good overcomes all evil I find myself improved. My daily prayer is that I may be sufficiently grateful to God for all these blessings. My love and reverence for Mrs. Eddy is much the same as my love and reverence for my mother. I thank God every day that He sent Mrs. Eddy into the world to give us the "Key to the Scriptures," which has made that holy Book dearer to me every day and more helpful in the last two years than in all my life before. I thank God for His love, and I thank Him for Mrs. Eddy; I thank Him, too, for Christian Science, and that Christian Scientists are doing this healing work through the understanding of divine Love.—

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